Kétoldalú találkozó
- 1. nap 2019-10-21
- 2. nap 2019-10-22

LeírásEstablished in 1989, Metalplaszt Ltd is a pofessional manufacturer that provides superior quality products for the Automotive and Consumer Electronics industry. Injection moulding, metalworking, painting and manual assembly are the main pillars of our company's portfolio. Nonetheless, we are always searching for new ideas and open for opportunities that rise on the horizon. 30 Million EUR Turnover in 2018. 600 employees. References like Skoda, Bosch, Alpine, Electrolux and Konica Minolta.
Szervezet típusa
Szervezet mérete250+
5141 Jásztelek , Jászberényi út 2
Tevékenységi körök
Fém-, gép-, járműipar, elektronika
Műanyag fröccsöntés, fém megmunkálás és festés/Injection moulding, metalworking and painting
30 éves tapasztalattal, autóipari referenciákkal beszállítóként partnereket és együttműködő feleket keresünk. With 30 years of experience and references from the automotive industry we- as a supplier- are looking for new partners and cooperations.
Established in 1989, Metalplaszt Ltd is a pofessional manufacturer that provides superior quality products for the Automotive and Consumer Electronics industry. Injection moulding, metalworking, painting and manual assembly are the main pillars of our company's portfolio. Nonetheless, we are always searching for new ideas and open for opportunities that rise on the horizon. 30 Million EUR Turnover in 2018. 600 employees. References like Skoda, Bosch, Alpine, Electrolux and Konica Minolta.
Ajánlott együttműködés
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Kívánt együttműködés
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